228 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
06-Nov-2020 15:52 Antastic3 Antastic! 16 Loss 16 884
17-Aug-2020 01:22 Antastic2 Antastic! 16 Loss 20 900
15-Aug-2020 02:28 Corona Isolation 8 King of the Mountains 12 Loss 12 920
15-Jun-2020 16:21 Whop Invention 14 Loss 8 932
08-Jun-2020 02:21 15 New Yorkers Mobs of New York 15 Loss 7 940
04-Jun-2020 18:34 Little foggy 2 Civil War 14 Loss 12 947
27-May-2020 07:45 Solitary Confinement Invention 10 Loss 9 959
11-May-2020 09:30 What gems are down here? Crystal Caves 10 Loss 8 968
30-Apr-2020 06:47 covid 14 b Invention 14 Loss 12 976
21-Apr-2020 02:29 Ground Control to Major Tom Base 9 8 Loss 12 988
Initial Score1000
High score: 988 / Low score: 884 / Longest Win Streak: